Smart & Healthy Summer Travel Tips
•Jun 20, 2022
Do you come back from vacation sick, tired and stressed? Basically, the opposite of all the intentions you set out with?
Don’t let that happen this year. Proactive planning can help.
Summer is here and we are all eager to travel and visit with friends and family, in spite of those high gas prices. We’ve rounded up everything you need to know for staying healthy and traveling smart this Summer. Fight off those vacation-disrupting illnesses and boost your immunity during travel.
Pre-travel tips
- Battle boredom by preparing some road trip or travel sized games or make your own quizzes, madlibs, simple arts and crafts, fun fact sheets about places you’ll see.
- Pack healthy snacks
- Get an extra hour of sleep the few nights before your trip
- Hydrate well the few days before your trip
- Make sure everyone drinks their Mineral Rich or MineralRIch Alos the week before the trip. Being hydrated without proper mineral balance falls short. Traveling with sufficient minerals means better energy and digestion!
- Make a plan for food, cleaning and rest the day you return home. Make sure the entire family is on the same page.
Travel tips
- Pace yourself. Don’t overbook your family. Remember that travel can relieve stress and boost mental health if it's enjoyable with breaks to refuel and process.
- Take the scenic route. I know this is so difficult if you are the head of a household, but try to take in the trip from a child’s eyes. Don’t worry about what’s next, live in the moment and use all your senses to experience your trip. I especially like to leave prepared with some mantras or prayers to keep myself in the moment!
- Combat jet lag and travel fatigue with supplements. The ultimate pair for this is MineralRich Aloe and Vita Sprout. But it can be hard to fit a Mineral Rich bottle in your bag. So the next best thing is Solu-C and Vita Sprout. Solo-C has tons of antioxidants and green tea for solid immune support and an energy boost. Vita Sprout will fuel your body’s natural energy production and help the body run to full speed because of its rich whole food vitamins that come in handy when you aren't on your regular diet.