This is an amazing product! It has had such an awesome effect on my skin. People think I’m wearing make-up, but it is a natural glow from the inside since taking this awesome product. I have noticed my energy level is up and overall well-being since being on this product for a month. I take 3 tablespoons in the morning and I feel wonderful the whole day! Will be a continued user.
G. Williams
View MineralRich
I’m working on my second bottle. Mineral Rich is amazing. I call it the ‘eye opener’ and the ‘quicker picker upper’…. Lol. I take it right after waking up and my energy is at its peak with no crash effects. My hair is growing too, and it doesn’t discriminate either it grows all over (smile). I am a satisfied customer.
View MineralRich
Many years ago my son who is now 26 was always sick from birth we would meet our insurance deductible every year by the end of January we as parents were constantly at the doctors or hospital they knew us by name. My son was only 2 at the time but every morning religiously I would give him an ounce. After the first bottle, I saw immediate results and ordered more. I continued giving it to him for years and guess what? No more visits to doctor or hospital, no more sickness. He is now a strong healthy 26 year old man and to this day we still talk about his ritual of taking MinealRich… it changed both of our lives.
View MineralRich